"nokia n8 review"

With the N8, a Symbian 3 based device, Nokia hopes to further its grasp on the smartphone market. This Nokia N8 review brings you the facts about this long-awaited Nokia release.

The N8 boasts a 12 megapixel camera and 720P video recording capability, in a sleek aluminum chassis that has a retro look, yet very futuristic feel. The color range for the cell phone is very wide indeed, and like many other Nokia phones, the N8 looks and feels solid, like it is made for decades of use.

The camera is a strong selling point, it brings fine image quality in most daylight conditions, and has you covered even at night, with the powerful Xenon flash. The two-stage shutter button and short focus time can fill even the most dedicated photography needs like no other smartphones can. The 720P video can sometimes look choppy, since it’s shot at 25 FPS, compared to the 30 FPS brought by other smartphones. That being said the active focus system does an excellent job from 6 feet up to infinity, and captures a lot of action from its 28mm wide angle lens.

The touch screen of the N8 is almost scratch-proof thanks to its Gorilla Glass construction. It was made to resist various kinds of scratches, hits and accidents, while keeping the shiny smooth surface intact. It is made to last, and it delivers. Behind it there is the 3.5 inch screen that has a 640×360 resolution. It’s not the most generous resolution out there, but good enough to hold its own, especially considering the fine colors it can produce.

The N8’s battery life lasts up to 48h under normal use and around 12 hours talk time before another charge, thanks to it’s 1200mAh Li-Ion battery. The battery is non-removable by the user, unless they use a Torx screwdriver.

Any decent Nokia N8 review should mention the impressive features list: Bluetooth 3.0 plus A2DP, 802.11n WiFi, USB On-The-Go support, GPS (both the real and assisted), 16GB of built-in storage, and a MicroSD card slot, for adding up to 32GB more. There are also light and proximity sensors, as well as a magnetometer and accelerometer, keeping you well oriented wherever the N8 accompanies you.

This Nokia N8 review ends here, in hopes of having helped you with an informed buying decision.


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